Clean architecture, building software that lasts

Clean architecture, building software that lasts

When building software we sometimes need to build it in a way so it will last for years. Some projects I’ve worked on used software that was running for almost 10 years. Within these 10 years, the software had experienced many changes. For example language changes, framework changes, libraries that need to be replaced, and many more. When this is the case, software needs to be built in a way to account for those many changes with little impact.

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16 awesome git aliases that you will love

16 awesome git aliases that you will love

Using git has completely integrated itself into the development workflow. It is a extremely powerful tool for managing your source code. It has also proven itself as a great review, OTAP and deployment tool.

When using git in the CLI you will have to write a lot of long git commands to get things done. Most git commands are simple but some of them are quite complex and bothersome to type. Since we developers are of course taught to be lazy (for the sake of being the stereotype), and to write as little as possible.

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Uploading a video to youtube through api version 3 in PHP

I’ve been trying to get the API from google youtube to work so I can upload video’s to it from my web application. It took me extremely long to figure out how the API worked because of lack of documentation at this moment. That is why I’m writing a blog post about it so people will hopefully have less trouble with it.

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How to update mysql records from a select

While I was working on a project I needed to migrate some information from one table to the other. But only specific data. I was looking for a solution but I only found one easily for a mssql database. After some research I found a way to copy data from one to an other table while using where to filter:

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